
The World's Fastest Indian

The World's Fastest Indian
  • the story of New Zealander Burt Munro who set the land-speed record at Bonneville in 1967 by a 1920 motorcycle. a great, inspiring movie!

Indian Bonneville burt munro bike Movie Speed fast New Zealand


  • american amour amusant amv angel anglais animé animation animaux anime anniversaire annonce eau election ending enfant entre episode evil extrait extreme ...

Indian burt munro world fastest moto The pointe record 320 kmh bande annonce film street

Shiny Worlds Fastest Indian MV

Shiny Worlds Fastest Indian MV
  • Shiny Worlds Fastest Indian MV

Indian fastest mv Shiny worlds

Burt Munro

Burt Munro
  • In the memory of Herbert Burt Munro, rare pics of him.

Indian Motorcycle Bonneville Salt flats burt munro herbert world fastest Scout 1920


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